Worth the Cost Linda Ducharme
While the cat transfers
her excess hair
to my pant legs
I watch from my window
countless colorful birds,
safe from her feline ferocity.
Orioles argue, feisty goldfinches feast
on niger seed and black oil sunflower seeds.
Shy gross beak shows his colours
as nuthatch darts
to grab its share.
Redwinged blackbirds
accompanying cowbirds and grackles –
not welcome at my feeders.
Too greedy, aggressive.
I fire cap gun –
scare them off.
Mourning dove whirs skyward –
Sorry, I watch her noisy flight.
Bird seed, dog food, cat chow
costs me more than my own food.
It’s worth the price –
These other forms of life
bring pleasure to mine.
That's so nice Linda - especially so to read on Earth Day.