Grand Entrance by Linda Ducharme
Deep dusky indigo gradually lightens.
Vermillion band along horizon
introduces warmth, spreads.
Brick-red lightens
becomes pumpkin and strawberry.
Vibrant magenta dances above,
tickling cloud bases,
to pallid pink, a pastel blush,
warm shades fade.
Clear, clean, cobalt replaces radiant hues.
Sol emerges in eastern sky.
Vermillion band along horizon
introduces warmth, spreads.
Brick-red lightens
becomes pumpkin and strawberry.
Vibrant magenta dances above,
tickling cloud bases,
to pallid pink, a pastel blush,
warm shades fade.
Clear, clean, cobalt replaces radiant hues.
Sol emerges in eastern sky.
Farewell by Linda Ducharme
Dark indigo bands lattice
Balmy red-orange flush.
Glowing magenta feathers ripple overhead.
Pastel echoes paint inverted-bowl sky,
Diminish, deteriorate, disappear.
Sol’s western farewell.