This is an acrostic that begins with the first sentence beginning with the letter Z and continues in chronological order, ending at A.
I Rise
Zooming across the bridge, I rise, almost become entangled in the overhead girders, but manage to level off. Yellow ribbons spiral in my wake. Xanthic vibes radiate out behind from the speed at which I make my escape.
When have I ever had a chance like this?
Very soon I will be free of this bridge too, and its entangling cross pieces overhead. Usually his hand controlled my every move, curtailed my bids for freedom. This opportunity had arisen suddenly, so suddenly he was powerless to stop my flight.
Sky, clouds, the moon, stars ¾ there will be no end. Racing toward the final girder, I miscalculate and am stopped so suddenly my tail shoots past me. Quashing my disappointment, I thrash and twist, struggling for freedom.
Please, wind, yank me away. Only you can save me now. Never before have I needed you more.
My plea is answered! Leaving earth-bound creatures, soaring to freedom, I salute my friend, the current of air that has set me free. Kin to the wind, brethren to breezes, my soul soars aloft. Jealous of birds no more, I weave, spiral, dip and dive. I am free. Heaven beckons me onward, upward and no one can hold me back. Gentle breezes threaten to ground me, as I twitch and turn, searching for an updraft. Finally, a zephyr becomes a gust as I spread my tips and rise again. Earth, you have no hold on me. Divine peace is mine as I rise, I rise, I rise.
Certain of my freedom, I dare to dream of sights unseen, adventures awaiting. Behold the vast and open sky, my home forevermore. Anchored no longer by a human hand holding my string, I rise.
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